Alternative Civil War: 1861 – A Blackpowder & Spell Uchronia

I have recently been made aware of a Kickstarter project that might well be of interest to players of IHMN.
Alternative Civil War: 1861 – A Blackpowder & Spell Uchronia, takes us to a very different ACW in which technology and magic have twisted history in very much the same way as IHMN.
I have been looking closely at the figures and other accessories this project offers, for although they are a different period to IHMN, some would be eminently usable.
For example, Their coil projector troops could be interesting variation on the use of an arc cannon and the IMLS Hopper troops could be used as Legion Entrangere Zouaves with Vertical Spring Translocators due to their Kepi’d heads.


There are many more of the Native American troops that could be used for Western games based on the companies in Heroes, Villains and Fiends.
The Kickstarter is halfway to its funding goal and needs your support, so if you are interested take a look at

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